Saturday, June 6, 2020

Home and Garden Show 2020 Presentation

This information on Hydroponics is presented by Lea County Master Gardener, Sharla Kennedy.  Throughout the video, Sharla details the Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroponic Systems; How to Construct a Hydroponic System; Seeds to Grow; Fertilizing the System and Alternative Hydroponic growing. 

Hydroponic Garden

Here are some additional tips  Sharla on Hydroponic Gardening:

  • You can grow anywhere
  • Uses 20 times less water than soil gardening
  • Your environment is sterile which means no pesticides
  • You'll use 20% less space for growing
  • The system water can be reused, allowing you to conserve water
  • Harvesting is easier
  • No mulching, tilling, changing of soil and weeding.
  • You can grow year round if indoors if in a controlled environment
  • Putting together a hydroponic system isn't cheap
  • Constant monitoring is required
  • Hydroponic Systems are vulnerable to power outages
  • Growing a hydroponic garden demands technical expertise
  • Production is limited compared to field conditions
  • If a disease appears, all plants in the system will be affected
  • Without soil to serve as a buffer, if the system fails plant death will occur rapidly 
Materials for Hydroponic Gardening:
PVC Pipe
Stand and Trellis made of PVC pipe
Plant Clips
20-50 Gallon Nutrient Tank
Plastic Tubing
Expanded Clay Pebbles
pH Testing Kit with Buffer Solutions
Planting Cups
Fertilizer for a Hydroponic System
Plant Light
Timer Plants or Seeds
Rock Wool

Nutrients and pH Balance:
Fill the 20-50 gallon tank with water.  Then add the nutrient to the tank as recommended by the fertilizer label, turn on the pump and let the system run for about 30 minutes to get all the nutrients thoroughly mixed.  Sharla recommends Master Blend 4-18-38; Calcium Nitrate and Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt).

To Dissolve the nutrients use these steps:
  1. First dissolve .6 grams of Master Blend per gallon, in a small cup with a small amount of water, add water to the gallon jug.
  2. Second dissolve .4 grams Epsom Salt per gallon, in a small cup with a small amount of water, then add to water and Master Blend.
  3. Third dissolve .4 grams Calcium Nitrate per gallon, in a small up with small amount of water, then add to water with Master Blend and Epsom Salt.
  4. Once mixed check the pH level and adjust levels with pH buffer solutions. 
**Note:  .5 grams = 1/2 Teaspoon

Club Sandwich Salad Recipe:
Salad Ingredients:
8 cups lettuce (Torn/Chopped/Greens/Micro Greens)
1 tomato, chopped
3 ounces sliced ham
3 ounces sliced turkey
2-4 ounces cheese, cubed or grated
1/4 cup cooked bacon, crumbled
4 slices white bread, lightly toasted, cubed

Dressing Ingredients:
1 drop liquid smoke
1/4 teaspoon garlic granules
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup crumbled cooked bacon
1/4 cup milk

Divide the lettuce between two dinner plates.  Top with chopped tomatoes, sliced turkey and ham, cheese and crumbled bacon.  Add cubed bread on the top. 

To make the dressing--add the seasonings and milk into a jar and shake to combine.  Then add in the mayonnaise and sour cream, then shake again.  Add in the bacon and shake until completely mixed.  Chill until ready to use or overnight. 

We hope you enjoy the "Fruits of our Labor".  If you have Home or Garden Questions, or would like more information on Lea County Extension Programs please feel free to contact the Lea County Extension Service Staff at:

Agriculture Agent--Wayne Cox
Family & Consumer Science Agent--Robin Haynes

4-H/Youth Development--Kayla Hinrichs