Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sewing New Cushions for Your Outdoor Furniture
Home and Garden Show 2020 Presentation
Finished Seat CushionThe following information is being presented to you as a virtual Home and Garden Show by the Lea County Extension Service.  The Lea County Master Gardeners and the Lea County Family and Consumer Science Agent have put together several informative programs along with videos for you to enjoy! 

This information on Making New Cushions for your Outdoor Furniture is presented by Lea County Family and Consumer Science Agent, Robin Mack Haynes.  The supply list for the project is listed below. 

Supply List for Cushions:
Outdoor Fabric
Sewing Equipment (Sewing Machine, Scissors, Marking Pen, pins, etc.)

Measuring the Seat of the Chair
Measuring the Seat 
Measure the seat you will be making the cushion for.  Measure the length and the width.  Then purchase a foam cushion that will fit this space.  There are many versions of these cushions to select from.
Once you have the foam, construct a cover for that foam, using the length, width and thickness as a guide.  The fabric you cut out will need to have seam allowances added into the measurements BEFORE the fabric is cut out.  I added 1-inch to each of the measurements for a 1/2" seam allowance.

Example:  Foam length--17" x  width--15" x thickness--2"
                 Fabric cut out was length--18" x width--16 x thickness--3"

Sewing the Zipper
Sewing the Zipper
When choosing a zipper, chose a length that is 1-inch shorter than the side you will be putting it one.  For example:  my zipper was going the on the side that measured 17-inches.  Therefore, I purchased a 16-inch zipper for the project. Once the fabric is cut, stitch the zipper side first.  Fold and press in the inside seam 1/4".  Place the fold next to the zipper teeth, stitching close to the fold.  Do this on both sides.  Measure from the head of the zipper to the end of the fabric(length) and across the fabric (width).  Double the length measurement, cutting out two squares for each end of the zipper. Fold and press the fabric in half, then place the folded edge next to the metal zipper stop and the head of the closed zipper.  Top stitch the zipper stop in place.  Leave the other three edges loose, as they will be stitched in place with the side seams.
Sewing the Zipper Stop
Sewing the Zipper Stop

Mark each end of the side strips at the seam allowance.  My seam allowance was 1/2", so I drew a line across the short side of each strip.  Begin with the zipper and opposite side first.  Pin the fabric onto the seat fabric, stitching from line to line.  Remember to back stitch, but do not stitch past the line, Next stitch the other two sides in place, stitching from line to line.

Start the process again, stitching the other seat piece to the sides.  Just like the first seat, start with the zipper side and move to the others.  Once your sides are completed, you should have openings at the corners.  Match the lines at each corner, pin and stitch from edge to edge.  Be careful to only stitch the side pieces, moving the seat corners out of the way of the stitches.

Sewing the Corners
Sewing the Corners
Once finished stitching the corners, turn the cushion cover right side out, and add the foam into the cushion.  If your measurements were correct, the cushion should fit tightly around the piece of foam.
Work the foam into the corners, and work the fabric up the foam until covered.  Zip up the cover, and your finished.

The photos below will give you a close up view of the sewing project.  

We hope you enjoy the "Fruits of our Labor".  If you have Home or Garden Questions, or would like more information on Lea County Extension Programs please feel free to contact the Lea County Extension Service Staff at:

Agriculture Agent--Wayne Cox
Family & Consumer Science Agent--Robin Haynes  rmack@nmsu.ed
4-H/Youth Development--Kayla Hinrichs